Mama in the City

A blog about raising my family in downtown Vancouver

6 Years and 36 Weeks

Today I'm 36 weeks pregnant and also celebrating my 6th wedding anniversary. I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that I gave birth to Ben at exactly 36 weeks, yet I'm still pregnant this time. Things are going well with #2 and there is no signs of needing an earlier induction of labour. However, I know that within 2 weeks I will be having a baby and I am happy with that.

Yesterday my parents came into town and helped me organize some of the baby stuff and did a mass of cleaning that I've not been feeling up to doing. My husband and I left in the afternoon and checked into a luxurious hotel right here in our own city. It is fun playing tourist in your own town! I used up all the fancy bath salts and bubble bath right away and then lounged on the extra big bed. The only thing missing was sharing a bottle of wine with my husband!

It was a great moment to celebrate our marriage and to also slow down and enjoy the quiet before things become 'all newborn' around here. We dined out at...8:30 PM (gasp!) and came back to our hotel room and watched a movie. Unfortunately, fitful sleep followed me to the hotel room! Silly hip pain!

Type 1 Diabetes and Pregnancy:
My insulin doses have stabilized and I haven't needed to increase the dosing amounts for the last several weeks now. I take 88 units of long acting in the morning and 76 units at bedtime with multiple pokes of fast acting insulin when I eat. Pre pregnancy I was taking about 15 units twice a day, a big difference from where I am now. Type 1 diabetics need to watch out for low blood sugars that require decreasing insulin doses. This is the red flag in our pregnancy.

The amount of insulin needed in pregnancy is related to the function of the placenta. If all of a sudden I start getting frequent low blood sugars and needed to take less and less insulin, or even NO insulin, then it would be time to induce labour and have a baby. It is the signal that the placenta is aging and not really doing its job.

I'm slowing down even more, if that's possible, and am spending most of my time at home. I'm carrying around a large baby and my body has not yet given me a break with the aches and pains of pregnancy. I have fitful sleep most every night from sciatica in both hips and acid reflux that doesn't respond to much of anything. I'm loving the wiggles and movements from this baby, possibly my favourite part of growing a baby! I could watch my tummy move all day long.

Next week I go for fetal monitoring and have another non stress test done. I kind of love going and just sitting there and watching the fetal heart tracing. It gives me a sense of well being watching the accelerations in the heart beat and tracking the fetal movements. I have my weekly OB appointment and another ultrasound for fluid and growth. My endocrinologist is happy with how I'm managing my diabetes and told me to stop coming to the office. A perk of being a RN!

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December 30, 2005 wedding reception on Granville Island


Looking good! Hopefully the next couple weeks go swimmingly.

December 31, 2011 at 6:39 AM  
Nancy_Hillington said...

Two big milestones and you look fab! Hope you can enjoy the next two weeks while you wait for babes arrival!

December 31, 2011 at 8:58 AM  

Looking good! Hopefully the next couple weeks go swimmingly. 

December 31, 2011 at 9:00 AM  
katie smith said...

totally enjoyed your last few posts. We too had a quiet Christmas all on our own, for the first time ever and it's been amazing. AND crazy enough my wedding anniversary is Dec 30th '05 too! And we hotel'd it overnight DT, BUT we didn't have the luxury of leaving the kids (4,1) one to watch we made it a family event and honestly it was fantastic (the baby slept in the pack n' play in the bathroom!). Happy New Year to you...bring on that little baby!

December 31, 2011 at 12:50 PM  
kristin said...

You look gorgeous!  I am so looking forward to your big announcement.  Happy New Year!  

December 31, 2011 at 2:29 PM  

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