Mama in the City

A blog about raising my family in downtown Vancouver

Keeping Things Sweet

There are many things that make me feel frustrated and frazzled. A fussy toddler can do that to me, especially when it's my own! An exhausting shifts at the hospital can leave me feeling annoyed. Sometimes all it takes is a rude person that rubs me the wrong way, and I can slide right into an off putting mood.

I despise how one sour event can colour the rest of my day for me. Leaving me hankering for a big piece of chocolate or some other stress buster like zoning out in front of the TV. I'd love to be that person who just lets bad stress roll off my back. Just an all out easy breezy woman! I'd love to be that woman who can handle everything and never experience those warm flushed anxious moments when things become annoying and you start to fret and lose it.

Today I had a few annoyances that left me in a bad mood. It all started because I'm tired from working many shifts in a short period of time (6 out of 8 days at 12+ hours long), I know that has something to do with it. Feeling tired always effects how I handle daily stresses. It didn't help that the simple dental procedure I signed up for, went and turned into a complex case that was double the time, leaving me with a bunch of nerve pain. There is something about a tooth ache that can dampen a positive mood for anyone.

With all the things that are currently going on in Japan, it is important to take a moment to reflect on the good things that we have right now. Those sweet little lovelies that make the day right. Despite all the tiny nuisances that happened in my day, I still had many smiling moments and those are what I let win.

The 'Keeping Things Sweet' List

1. Seeing all the spring bulbs budding in the flower beds on our walk through the city.

2. Little text messages between a girlfriend who just had a baby.

3. Ben coming up to me post dental work and saying, in his little toddler voice, 'I make mama happy!' and then proceeding to rub my back and smooch me all over. This boy is sweet sweet sweet!

4. You all know how much I love looking forward to things, which is why #4 is: looking forward to an outing with my girlfriend and her 2 year old daughter tomorrow.

5. Picking out tulips with Ben. He was so excited to learn that tulips come in so many colours, especially his favourite colour yellow. This made his day and he currently has one bloom in his bedroom.

6. In keeping with things that are sweet, I love that my husband took a photo of these tulips just because I asked him. He is so busy with work right now and I love that he took just a few minutes to make me happy.

PS. My commenting system is back to the original blogger format. Do you like it better than the Disqus system, or should I switch back to Disqus?


What a lovely post. It's so true that it's the simple things that make life enjoyable. I love when Theo runs at me with excitment and adoration in his eyes and squeals when I pick him up. Tulips are also a delight.

The only thing I don't like about Blogger's comment system is I always have to write a Captcah to leave my comment.

March 16, 2011 at 8:16 PM  

Sorry my mistake, I did not have to enter a Captcha.

March 16, 2011 at 8:17 PM  

>>Feeling tired always effects how I handle daily stresses.

This is so true, and I have to remind myself of this when I'm feeling short-tempered during the day for seemingly "no reason".

Thank you for the reminder to look on the bright side. Life really is about how you look at it!

March 16, 2011 at 8:21 PM  
Lulumum said...

I've been feeling frazzled too and extra on edge with all that's in the news this week. We've been partaking in wine wednesdays (..and thursday, friday, saturday..)

have you tried 'intense debate' commenting system? that's what I use on my blog. It can be glitchy at times but overall I'm happy with it.

March 16, 2011 at 9:21 PM  
Anonymous said...

andrea thanks for reminding me of the things that are really important, and to let the "smiling moments" win.

March 19, 2011 at 12:17 PM  
jessieeden said...

Your post is pretty illuminating and practical,I completely agree with the above comment. Thanks for the sharing.Will you share more about it? I just want to know more.You are very talented.I guess, this site would be my farorite one. Thank you again!!!

March 22, 2011 at 11:00 PM  
Arriva said...

Great post. Time is so precious and we cannot afford to waste it. Reminds of a comment a friend recently made "it's not how much time you put into something, it the energy you put into the time spent." Really do it or don't bother, right? Thanks for reinforcing this important life lesson Chris!

coach sale
coach on sale

March 25, 2011 at 1:00 AM  
Kristen said...

Love the picture of the tulips - *sigh* - spring comes so much later in Toronto than Vancouver, I'll have to just enjoy yours for the time being

March 30, 2011 at 10:57 AM  
Arriva said...

Great post. Time is so precious and we cannot afford to waste it. Reminds of a comment a friend recently made "it's not how much time you put into something, it the energy you put into the time spent." Really do it or don't bother, right? Thanks for reinforcing this important life lesson Chris!

coach sale
coach on sale

April 8, 2011 at 9:52 PM  
Kristen said...

Love the picture of the tulips - *sigh* - spring comes so much later in Toronto than Vancouver, I'll have to just enjoy yours for the time being

April 8, 2011 at 9:52 PM  

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