Mama in the City

A blog about raising my family in downtown Vancouver

Mama Bakes! For Real.

Today I woke up wanting to bake something for my husband. This is truly a very rare event in our family, as I really don't do a lot of baking in our house. Christmas and birthdays and that is basically where I am at. This means we never have all the supplies needed to whip up a baked treat at a moments notice. I couldn't ever just decide to bake chocolate chip cookies at 10 PM, even if I really really wanted to. If there is baking to be done then it has got to be a planned out event with a specific shopping trip. So, this morning after sipping some java and hanging with Ben, I decided to make a crumble using apples picked at a local farm.

When I was a wee girl, my mum often baked various crumbles and soon my oldest sister got into baking some mad crumbles and various delicious desserts. She was known to whip up something yummy with just a few items in the pantry, sort of like a MacGyver of baking. This morning I asked my sister to send me the crumble recipe she uses and off I went to the shop. Picking up some local apples and a bunch of other basic baking supplies that you would be surprised that I did not have.

It turns out that I really quite enjoy baking, too bad it results in sugary treats sitting around our apartment. Not ideal for a lady who is watching her blood sugars. My husband said it was delicious and I am already thinking about what I can bake next, I found baking to be relaxing and it felt good to make my husband happy via a Brown Apple Betty!

Apple crumb baked in a cast iron pan.

Do you have something special that you enjoy baking? Want to share the recipe with me? I'm trying to figure out what to bake next.

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