Mama in the City

A blog about raising my family in downtown Vancouver

The other week the question came up about where I could purchase a rain suit for Ben. I had seen other little toddlers with these parachute looking suits and wondered where I could buy one. Living here means that just because it's pelting down rain drops outside, doesn't mean we have to stay indoors. While, I don't necessarily love living in the wet, I've come to accept that it's just part of Vancouver living. If we didn't go ahead and venture out in the rain, we would literally be holed up in our apartment for large parts of the year!

I put the word out there to fellow Vancouver mum's that I needed to find a 'suit' for Ben, I got the response that Mountain Equipment Co-op had a great choice of rain suits. My husband went ahead and order a yellow one on line and we've already put it to good use.

The rain suit is perfect for a fun times outside that include a little muddy puddle jumping. With all the hopping around, not even one tiny drop of water made it Ben's clothing. He stayed dry and happy and had a blast splashing around and I loved not having to do wet and muddy laundry.

The rain had stopped but the park was still damp and wet, this rain suit made playing around no problem! We will be using it regularly over the next few months to come. No amount of rain will stop us from enjoying playtime outside.

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