Mama in the City

A blog about raising my family in downtown Vancouver

A Sick Day In Mama's Bed

I knew my toddler was feeling poorly when he just wanted to lay down and not run around the apartment at his usual pace. This afternoon Ben was under the weather and there were many tears, lots of cuddles and a mild temperature. The only thing that seemed to cheer up his spirit was lounging in my bed and eating a snack, all while watching Teletubbies on my lap top of course. Eh, whatever makes my boy feel better!

I remember when I was a child and not feeling well, I would creep into my parents bedroom and crawl up to their bed. There is just something about lounging in your parents bed that helps to cheer things up when you are a wee one. So, I was happy to let Ben make crumbs among my bed sheets, as long as he was feeling better!

The combination of his afternoon lounging and a dose of Tylenol seemed to help our boy out. He now seems to be feeling much better and is sitting at the kitchen table colouring with felts. Soon it will be his bed time and I will whisk away all the crumbs and loose raisins that have accumulate in my bed.

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