Mama in the City

A blog about raising my family in downtown Vancouver

Giving Thanks

I do not do my work for thank you cards, or gifts or Starbucks coffee cards. I do it because, as a labor and delivery nurse, I really enjoy birth and caring for families. Of course it is still a work and I get paid for it, but I never expect anything extra on top of that. However, I am always warmed when someone says thank you. Thank you for making a difference in their experience, for advocating for them, or for just being there and providing care. Giving thanks is always appreciated in any form, in any part of life.

I've worked with birthing women who speak absolutely no English, and yet after their birth they will grasp my hand and kiss it and give me thanks for being with them. Their eyes and their face show gratitude and I appreciate that. I am quite lucky to part of their amazing experience.

The other day, a past patient of mine came into work to thank me for being with her at her birth last month. I remembered her in a flash and recalled all sorts of amazing details about her birth. She was one of those labors that stuck in my head and I was so happy to run into her and her wee one. It was such a surprise to receive such a beautiful orchid from her, and I was happy to bring it home and have the purple colour fill up the room.

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