Mama in the City

A blog about raising my family in downtown Vancouver

A Little Boob Tube: I love you PVR

I would like to take a moment to show my appreciation for our PVR and all the greatness that it really is. If you are wondering who or what our PVR is than you need to click here. The PVR is perfect when you are a shift worker. I sometimes work nights and sometimes work weekends and everything in between so following some shows proves annoying. The PVR has been awesome and keeps me updated on my favorite TV shows at my own leisure. The whole recording system proved to be wonderful once I had a little family member in the house and spent less and less time watching live television. I now hurriedly press the fast forward button on commercials or long drawn out boring parts. Oh the control; I love it.

As the month of September approaches I start feeling excited about the fall TV line up and catching up on story lines from last spring and checking out new shows too. I am looking forward to catching some Grey's Anatomy and feel guilty about admitting to the Private Practice too. A little bit of fresh fall fun to get excited about. As the days become shorter and darker and we spend more time inside than walking the seawall in the sun the PVR will be well used.

It seems that there is also a mass of nurse shows coming aboard and I was curious why the shift from major doctor dramas to shows about us nurses? There is Nurse Jackie, Mercy and HawthoRNe. The TV Guide says that it is because of the economy and the recession. Click here to see what they had to say.
What television shows are you looking forward to getting back into? Check out the TV guide here.


Erin said...

This fall am looking forward to Grey's and Desperate Housewives (both fairly trashy, guilty pleasures). Ooh, and The Office. So funny! On BBC, it's almost time for the newest Dr Who- wahoo! My favourite, favourite ever is LOST and we have to wait until January for the new season, so we're watching our way through the first 5 seasons on dvd. I worry for my gym routine when all the good shows come back on!

September 1, 2009 at 8:10 AM  

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