Mama in the City

A blog about raising my family in downtown Vancouver

The Afternoon Crash

It never fails, 3 PM comes and it's my tiredest 'end of the rope' hour of the whole day. The busyness of the morning catches up with me and collides with knowing there is still several more hours before bedtime. 3 PM always gives me an overwhelming desire to crawl up and lay on the couch. Of course, life goes on and children whine and a little bit of activity is needed to get us through that afternoon crash.

To add a bit of fuel to the fire, Josie is slowly transitioning from 2 to 1 naps a day and by this part of the afternoon she can be crabby and tired. So, out comes some pots and pans along with miscellaneous kitchen equipment that I grabbed from the closest drawer. Cool water with a splash of soapy bubbles is sloshed together and it all adds up to a great distraction for my two kids. The squeals of delight quickly turned 3 PM into 4 PM and somehow it was nearing 5 PM and I can totally handle 5 PM.

Of course, Ben has to join in on his sister's silly outside water fun and so out he comes to our patio and proceeds to dive into the bowls of soapy water with his goggles. These two had such a great easy afternoon while I enjoyed a glass of crisp cool vino and supervised their patio play. I think we are going to haul out our art easel for a little messy painting fun the next time the afternoon crash finds me (tomorrow?!).


mazoola said...

I'm not sure what time I crash but I'm looking forward to times like 930- off to school, 1 pm- nap, 830pm- bedtime. Seems like the common denominator is I get some quiet time!

May 19, 2013 at 8:41 AM  

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