Mama in the City

A blog about raising my family in downtown Vancouver

This Is The Way

Along with many other kids out there today, Ben had his first day of school and is enrolled for full day kindergarten. The two of us had plans to have a nice walk together while Josie stayed at home with her visiting memere who came from Florida to see us. Our walk turned ugly and we got face to face with some serious west coast weather. Seriously glad I decided to bring my umbrella and also a retroactive high five for making Ben wear a rain jacket and not his Peekaboo Beans hoodie that he had been wearing.

"This is the way we go to school
Go to school, Go to school
This is the way we go to school
So early in the morning"

Big props to my boy and all those other parents experiencing this parenting milestones for their own. I remember back when Ben was 'baby Ben' and always in the sling (crying). Back then I couldn't even picture this milestone happening, yet here we are. One day you too will be here. I'm selfishly dreading the morning rush out the door but I'm also excited at this new thing in our lives.

What new things do you hope September brings to you? Many people remark that this time of year feels an awful lot like another chance at a fresh start. I love this idea.

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