Mama in the City

A blog about raising my family in downtown Vancouver

I Want To Have It All

It might sound greedy, but I really want to have it all. 'It' being everything that is fun and exciting paired up with everything that is routine and boring (because that still has to exist). I want to be able to have what I want when I want it, meanwhile balancing things that must be done all at the same time. Does that make sense?

Just like any part of life, there are peaks and dips in my energy and my knack at trying to have it all waivers and fails. There are times when I can work busy full time shift work, be a wife and also a mum, all while keeping my date book penned with interesting meet ups and my stream of thank you cards flowing in appropriate timing (what do you mean your birthday was last month?).

These are moments when work/life/love are all in balance and I feeling super charged and on top of things. I get that annoying 'can do' attitude and trick myself into thinking that I really can have it all. These are the great moments when I remember upcoming special occasions, birthday cards are posted ahead of time, dentist appointments are made and kept, playtime with my boy is special and not stressed. There is just a great flow that happens and it feels so desirable to me that I want to have it all the time.

Then daily life twists and turns in that annoying way and I realize that I can't have it all, instead of feeling content I just feel stressed. Why can't I have it all? I want to be a latte sipping, seawall walking mama but also need/want to work full time and that includes night shifts that throw me for a loop. I want to have fabulous lunch dates and evening cocktails with girlfriends, but this can't always be the way things are for me.

If only I could exist on 4 hours of sleep each 24 hour period then I might be able to have it all. Ahh.... if only.

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