Mama in the City

A blog about raising my family in downtown Vancouver

Hello Blog, It's Me. A True Story

I've been a random blog reader for about 4 years and I've been a blog writer for about 1.5 years. I first started off by just trolling blogs and I refused to leave a comment, preferring to lurk and stay anonymous. I'm not sure what I was scared of by interacting, but I didn't want to make an appearance and let them know that I was reading their words. Which is actually pretty ridiculous considering bloggers love comments and adore hearing from readers that are enjoying their words and stories.

The very first blog I got into reading was Whoorl and I thought she was oh so California cool. The idea that someone was sharing details about their life and maybe some cool pictures totally got me hooked. Sometimes I'd drop by monthly and then it moved into more of a regular thing, but it wasn't until the last year that I even felt brave enough to comment and let it be known that I was reading. Blog nerves?

I definitely became interested in seeking out certain blogs after I lost my first two pregnancies back in 2007. I was struggling with the feelings of loss and the isolation that can come with certain experiences. Who knew that there would be a million blogs about people going through the same things as me? I love what the Internet has to offer for support on many topics. I enjoy connecting with people who have similar experiences as me and those that live a totally different life than me.

Now that I feel part of a community I love to leave comments as I go through my regular reads, even if it is a short one liner or a long drawn out message about how I disagree. I'm curious what will happen to the world of the personal blog as the Interweb moves forward. Right now I dig sharing my stories and life with whomever stops by to read.

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